Panthéon choisi : Egyptien (21 enregistrements)

Egyptien's Mythology

New Magic Items

NomImageTypeAlignement /WorshiperSymbolPlane
RA (sun god) "Pharaoh to the Gods"Greater godNeutre Bon : WHP : Neutral good Solar disk encircled by a serpentPrime Material Plane
APEP (king of serpents)Greater godChaotic Mauvais
GEB (god of the earth) also known as Seb or QebGreater godNeutre Absolu : WHP : Neutral beingsEarth hieroglyphElemental Plane of Earth
ISIS (goddess of magic and fertility)Greater godNeutre Bon : WHP : Neutral good and beings dealing with magicAnkh and starElysium
OSIRIS Greater godLoyal Bon : WHP : Lawful good and farmersWhite crownPrime Material Plane
PTAH (creator of the universe) "Opener of the Ways"Greater godLoyal Neutre : WHP : Lawful neutralApis bullEthereal
SET (god of evil and the night)Greater godLoyal Mauvais : WHP : Evil beingsCoiled cobraNine Hells
THOTH (god of knowledge)Greater godNeutre Absolu : WHP : Seekers of knowledgeIbisConcordant Opposition
ANHUR (god of war)Lesser godChaotic Bon : WHP : WarriorsA tordPrime Material Plane
ANUBIS (guardian of the dead)Lesser godLoyal Bon : WHP : All alignmentsBlack jackalAstral Plane
BAST (cat goddess)Lesser godLoyal Mauvais : WHP : Chaotics of all typesCat Gladsheim
BES (god of luck)Lesser godNeutre Absolu : WHP : Seings wishing for luckDwarf wearing a panther's skip ond tailConcordant Opposition
HORUS (son of Osiris) "The Avenger"Lesser godLoyal Neutre : WHP : Lawful neutral and anyone seeking vengeance HawkNirvana
NEPHTHYS (goddess of wealth and protector of the dead)Lesser godChaotic Bon : WHP : Chaotic goodHorns around a lunar disk Olympus
SEKER (god of light)Lesser godNeutre Bon : WHP : Worshipers of lightHawk-headed mummy with an ankh in his right handElysium
SHU (god of the sky)Lesser godLoyal Bon : WHP : Good beingsOstrich featherElemental Plane of Air
TEFNUT (goddess of storms and flowing water)Lesser godLoyal Bon : WHP : Lawful goodLioness headElemental Plane of Water
APSHAI (god of insects)DemigodNeutre Absolu : WHP : FarmersPraying mantisPrime Material Plane
FLAME SNAKE MonsterChaotic Mauvais
PHOENIX MonsterNeutre Absolu
Minions of Set MonsterLoyal Mauvais