Egyptien SET (god of evil and the night)
(Greater god)

Armor class : -4
Move : 18"
Hit points : 378
No. of attacks : 2
Damage/attaque : 7-70
Special attacks : Alignment change
Special defenses : Poison skip; +3 or better weapon fo hit
Magic resistance : 59%
Size : M (7')
Alignment : Loyal Mauvais
Worshiper alignment : Evil beings
Symbol : Coiled cobra
Plane : Nine Hells
Cleric/Druid : 15th level cleric
Fighter : 17th level fighter
Magic-user/illusionist : 30th level illusionist
Thief/Assassin : 15th level assassin
Monk/Bard : Nil14
Psionic ability : II
S : 14 I : 25 W : 23 D : 20 C : 25 Ch : -2

Set is o scaled humanoid with the head of o fierce jackal. He is totally dedicated to the spreading of evil and has attributes to match. He can change any being's alignment from neutral or good to lawful evil with a touch (saving throw applicable); these changed beings become Minions of Set (see below). He uses a Spear of Darkness that is a jet black +4 spear that hits for 7-70 points of damage. His skin is also deadly poisonous to the touch.
There is a 5% chance that Set may be watching when one of his worshipers does o highly evil act, and if so, Set will lend that being 2-20 Minions of Set for 12 weeks.
Set is the implacable enemy of Osiris and Horus, and will attempt to thwart them through others whenever possible.