Egyptien ANUBIS (guardian of the dead)
(Lesser god)

Armor class : -2
Move : 12"
Hit points : 300
No. of attacks : 3/2
Damage/attaque : 3-30
Special attacks : See below
Special defenses : Blink ability; +2 or better weapon to hit
Magic resistance : 80%
Size : M (6')
Alignment : Loyal Bon
Worshiper alignment : All alignments
Symbol : Black jackal
Plane : Astral Plane
Cleric/Druid : 20th level cleric
Fighter : 12th level paladin
Magic-user/illusionist : 20th level magic-user
Thief/Assassin : Nil
Monk/Bard : Nil
Psionic ability : III
S : 24 (+6, + 12) I : 24 W : 24 D : 29 C : 22 Ch : 29

Anubis appears as a man with the head of o jackal. He can animale any statue of himself, cast 2 chorm monster spells at the same lime, shape change at will, and short ronge teleport like a blink dog. The god Notes all thieves, and if o tomb with his image within is being robbed, there is a 5% chance that he will corne and kill the robber(s).
If this tomb has been consecrated especially to Anubis, there is a 10% chance that he will come, but this involves the intercession of a 10th level priest and the sacrifice to Anubis of 50,000 gp worth of precious gems.
In his role os the collector of souls for transportation to the house of the dead, there is a 20% chance that a dead being (worshiping any Egyptian deity) will, while in the process of being raised from the deod by a cleric, attract the anger of the god, and as a result that cleric will be forced to go an a quest for the purpose of increasing the power of the cult of Anubis (no saving throw; judge's option os to the quest).
While the god is perfectly able to use spells or the like on his enemies, he particularly likes to bite them to death and does 3-30 points of damage when he attacks.