Egyptien APSHAI (god of insects)

Armor class : 3
Move : 21" / 21"
Hit points : 289
No. of attacks : 1
Damage/attaque : 6-60
Special attacks : See below
Special defenses : +1 or better weapon to hit
Magic resistance : 10%
Size : L (15')
Alignment : Neutre Absolu
Worshiper alignment : Farmers
Symbol : Praying mantis
Plane : Prime Material Plane
Cleric/Druid : Nil
Fighter : 15th level fighter
Magic-user/illusionist : Nil
Thief/Assassin : Nil
Monk/Bard : Nil
Psionic ability : VI
S : 20 ( + 3, +8) I : 17 W : 25 D : 18 C : 19 Ch : -3

Apshai is a great praying mantis, able to shape change at will and coll on insect plague on a person, town, or country. He can control any type of insect (of a non-divine nature).
His bite does 6-60 points of domoge ond he never misses his prey.