Egyptien GEB (god of the earth) also known as Seb or Qeb
(Greater god)

Armor class : -3
Move : 12" (48")
Hit points : 339
No. of attacks : 2
Damage/attaque : 6-60 / 6-60
Special attacks : See below
Special defenses : +3 or better weapon to hit; also see below
Magic resistance : 30%
Size : L (70')
Alignment : Neutre Absolu
Worshiper alignment : Neutral beings
Symbol : Earth hieroglyph
Plane : Elemental Plane of Earth
Cleric/Druid : Nil
Fighter : 17th level fighter
Magic-user/illusionist : 15th level magic-user
Thief/Assassin : Nil
Monk/Bard : Nil
Psionic ability : VI
S : 25(+7, + 14) I : 22 W : 20 D : 23 C : 25 Ch : 22

Geb appears as a heavily muscled mon. He is not affected by any physical weapon while he is standing on the ground. He can shape change ot will, negate any spell having to do with earth (no save), and cal! up 2-12 earth elementals to fight for him, once per day. He uses 2 magical devices that he is never without. The first is o crown that can summon 2-8 random monsters to fight for him once a day. The other is o staff that regenerates lost hit points for the holder at the rate of 25 per melee round, and drains 5 energy levels per strike from any enemy it hits. Geb can strike with his fists for 6-60 points of damage each.