Egyptien SHU (god of the sky)
(Lesser god)

Armor class : -6
Move : 12" / 48"
Hit points : 346
No. of attacks : 3/2
Damage/attaque : See below
Special attacks : See below
Special defenses : +2 or better weapon to hit; also see below
Magic resistance : 69%
Size : M (6')
Alignment : Loyal Bon
Worshiper alignment : Good beings
Symbol : Ostrich feather
Plane : Elemental Plane of Air
Cleric/Druid : 15th level cleric
Fighter : 12th level paladin
Magic-user/illusionist : l5th level magic-user
Thief/Assassin : Nil
Monk/Bard : Nil
Psionic ability : VI
S : 16 (0, + 1) I : 20 W : 23 D : 20 C : 23 Ch : 19

Twin brother to Tefnut, this god appears as a normal man. At will he can levitate, shape change, create the light of day as Ra, and call Forth 1-10 16 HD air elementals once per day. He is not affected by any form of heat. He wears +5 scale mail mode of phoenix feathers, which enables him to surround himself in (lames which cause 25 points of damage to any who come in contact with them (no saving throw).
He uses a double strength staff of the magi in battle. A touch of his skin causes things to wither (saving throw vs. spells applicable): metal turns weak and shatters, flesh rots, and vegetable matter dries and turns to dust.