Egyptien BES (god of luck)
(Lesser god)

Armor class : -3
Move : 6" / 24"
Hit points : 210
No. of attacks : 3/2
Damage/attaque : 4-24
Special attacks : Never misses
Special defenses : See below
Magic resistance : 100%
Size : S (4')
Alignment : Neutre Absolu
Worshiper alignment : Seings wishing for luck
Symbol : Dwarf wearing a panther's skip ond tail
Plane : Concordant Opposition
Cleric/Druid : Nil
Fighter : 10th level fighter
Magic-user/illusionist : l5th level in each
Thief/Assassin : 15th level thief
Monk/Bard : 8th level bard
Psionic ability : VI
S : 24 ( +6, + 12) I : 25 W : 10 D : 24 C : 25 Ch : 15

Bes appears os a mountain dwarf as described in the MONSTER MANUAL. He is often found shape changing to watch and aid all types of creatures. Bes looks favorably upon all gombles and the greater the risk (excepting foolhardy ones) the better he likes it. There is a 5% chance that the god will, if really pleased (judge's option), give the being a luck stone, no strings attached. (DMs must exercice discrétion with this.)
His sword is o +2 weapon and does 4-24 points of damage, and it always hits. He always makes his saving throws; any weapon striking him needs a score of at least a natural 17, no motter what the pluses are; and he often fights while invisible (not appearing for the strike as others do).