Egyptien OSIRIS
(Greater god)

Armor class : -2
Move : 24" / 48"
Hit points : 400
No. of attacks : 2
Damage/attaque : 3-30 (+12)
Special attacks : See below
Special defenses : +3 or better weapon to hit; also see below
Magic resistance : 80%
Size : M (7')
Alignment : Loyal Bon
Worshiper alignment : Lawful good and farmers
Symbol : White crown
Plane : Prime Material Plane
Cleric/Druid : 20th level cleric/14th level druid
Fighter : 16th level ranger
Magic-user/illusionist : 20th level magic-user
Thief/Assassin : Nil
Monk/Bard : 15th levelbard
Psionic ability : V
S : 24 (+6, + 12) I : 25 W : 25 D : 19 C : 25 Ch : 24

Osiris usually appears as a muscular green man. He is the lord and pro¬tector of the dead. Vegetation or anything made out of vegetation has no effect on the god. His also is the power to raise the dead, no matter how long in that condition.
Anyone touching his body in battle instantly dies (saving throw vs. death applicable). At will, he shape changes, controls all forms of vegetation (making it shrink or grow), and he can use any weapon even if that weapon is magically Lied to its owner. He has a crown with the power to sec all invisible objects and illusions for what they are, and negate all fourth or lower level spells cast at him (no saving throw). He uses a scepter in battle that acts as a rod of cancellation with unlimited charges, and strikes for 3-30 points of damage.
This god is very aware of his clerical worshipers, and if one does a great deed for the religion (judge's option), that cleric may (5%) be given a wish. Osiris is second only to Ra in power and rules in Ra's absence.