Egyptien HORUS (son of Osiris) "The Avenger"
(Lesser god)

Armor class : -2
Move : 15" / 15"
Hit points : 359
No. of attacks : 2
Damage/attaque : 3-36 (+ 14: spear)/3-30 (+ 14: sword)
Special attacks : See below
Special defenses : See below
Magic resistance : 75%
Size : M (6 1/2')
Alignment : Loyal Neutre
Worshiper alignment : Lawful neutral and anyone seeking vengeance
Symbol : Hawk
Plane : Nirvana
Cleric/Druid : Nil
Fighter : 19th level paladin
Magic-user/illusionist : 16th level magic-user
Thief/Assassin : Nil
Monk/Bard : Nil
Psionic ability : VI
S : 25 ( + 7, + 14) I : 25 W : 21 D : 25 C : 23 Ch : 24

Horus appears on the eorth as a muscular mon with a hawk's heod, and his main attribute is the ability to triple the power of any weapon or magie item he uses. He uses a wand of fire, which in his hands shoots an 18 dice fireball, and he con cast monster summoning VII, shape change, and project image at will. His sword nullifies all first through fifth level spells used against him and is a +3 weapon striking for 3-30 points of damage. His 30 foot spear strikes for 3-36 points of damage and will instantly kilt any being that is in shape changed form (no saving throw). Note that the effects of these weapons if used by others are much less: the sword would be +1, do 1-10 points of damage, and only nullify first and second level spells; the lance will do 1-12 and only paralyze the shape changed, etc.
Horus is not affected by the first blow of any given weapon used against him.
This gad is very aware of any avenging human. When a "good" person tecks righteous revenge, there is a 5% chance that the god will aid by increasing all of the being's ability scores to 19 until the deed is done.