Egyptien APEP (king of serpents)
(Greater god)

Armor class : -4
Move : 18"
Hit points : 250
No. of attacks : 2
Damage/attaque : 3-30 (bite)/4-24(constriction)
Special attacks : Poison, breath weapon
Special defenses : +3 or better weapon to hit
Magic resistance : 40%
Size : L (300' long)
Alignment : Chaotic Mauvais
Psionic ability : Nil

This creature of the Abyss is the deadly enemy of the gods, particularly Osiris. Apep is the physical embodiment of chaotic evil in the Egyptian mythos. He is usually attended by 5-50 flame snakes (q.v.), who act at his will.
This great serpent not only hos a poisonous bite (3-30 points damage ond save at -4 or die), he con breathe 6-60 points of flame every other melee round in o 10" long by 4" wide cone. Apep attacks as o 16+ HD monster,
with the ability to constrict for 4-24 points of damage. His scaly hide is so
tough that +3 or better weapons ore required to hit him, and nonmagical weopons shatter when they strike.