Egyptien PHOENIX

Armor class : 3
Move : 12" / 24"
Hit points : 50hp
No. of attacks : 3
Damage/attaque : 3-18 / 3-18 / 4-24
Special attacks : Home
Special defenses : See below
Magic resistance : See below
Size : L (60' + wingspread)
Alignment : Neutre Absolu
Psionic ability : Nil

The phoenix was said to exist and be watching at the time of the creation of the universe, and it stands for everlasting life beyond even the power of gods to attain. It regenerates 5 points per melee round and no magical spell con affect the creature. The bird is constantly burning, and anything within 10 yards of it takes 25 points of fire damage per melee round (no saving throw) even if resistant to fire and heat. Any weapon less than +4 will melt when striking the body of the creature, doing no damage.
If assaulted the phoenix will defend itself, attacking as a 12 hit dice monster with its wings (for 3-18) and its beak (4-24), plus its heat damage.
If killed, the phoenix's body is consumed by its own flames in a great explosion of heat that incinerates everything within 5". If creatures within this radius save (vs. breath weapons, or magical fire, if an object), they only Lake 10-100 points of damage from the explosion.
3-18 rounds after its death, the phoenix will be reborn whole from its own aches. There is no way by which the phoenix can be killed permanently. Even if its aches are destroyed, it will rise again, seemingly out of nothingness.