Egyptien THOTH (god of knowledge)
(Greater god)

Armor class : -4
Move : 12" / 24"
Hit points : 389
No. of attacks : 1
Damage/attaque : By weapon type
Special attacks : See below
Special defenses : See below
Magic resistance : 98%
Size : M (6 1/2')
Alignment : Neutre Absolu
Worshiper alignment : Seekers of knowledge
Symbol : Ibis
Plane : Concordant Opposition
Cleric/Druid : Nil
Fighter : 5th level fighter
Magic-user/illusionist : 30th level in each
Thief/Assassin : Nil
Monk/Bard : Nil
Psionic ability : I
S : 20(+3, +8) I : 25 W : 25 D : 20 C : 24 Ch : 18

Thoth was the teacher of the gods, and this rote allows him full knowledge of everything and anything, particularly magic. His spells always inflict maximum possible damage (saving throws are still applicable).
As knowledge is discovered on the Prime Material Plane in the form of spells, devices, natural occurrences, and the like, he is instantly aware of it. He is never without his scepter which delivers o death spell at o touch. He has o set of 3 books that detail all clerical knowledge, all magical knowledge, and all divine knowledge. They have been stolen several times during his existence, much to the regret of the thieves when Thoth caught up to them.
Thoth is able to negate any known magical or physical force at a range of up to 100 yards. In other words, since he has been attacked by a fireball in the post he negates the power of such things automatically within that 100 yard radius. He con negate only one such power per round.
Worshipers of Thoth are primarily interested in the acquisition and spread of knowledge.