Egyptien NEPHTHYS (goddess of wealth and protector of the dead)
(Lesser god)

Armor class : 2
Move : 12" / 12"
Hit points : 200
No. of attacks : 3/2
Damage/attaque : By weapon type
Special attacks : Death rays
Special defenses : +2 or better weapon to hit
Magic resistance : 40%
Size : M (4 1/4')
Alignment : Chaotic Bon
Worshiper alignment : Chaotic good
Symbol : Horns around a lunar disk
Plane : Olympus
Cleric/Druid : 15th level cleric
Fighter : 8th level fighter
Magic-user/illusionist : 17th level magic-user
Thief/Assassin : Nil
Monk/Bard : Nil
Psionic ability : VI
S : 17 ( + 1, + 1) I : 21 W : 18 D : 23 C : 20 Ch : 22

Nephthys is the twin sister to Isis, and appears as a beautiful woman. She protects chaotic good souls (of the Egyptian cults) alter death. She hates evil of any sort, and will attempt to destroy it by means of the twin death rays she can project from her eyes (serve at -6 applicable) to a range of 12". Nephthys was once married to Set, but she left him when that god turned to evil.
Nephthys is also a goddess of wealth and the protector of the edge of civilization, where fields meet deserts. Nephthys' clerics are expected to protect her worshipers and diligently roof out evil. In return, they expect monetary support from the worshipers to enable them to continue their crusades.