Egyptien ISIS (goddess of magic and fertility)
(Greater god)

Armor class : -2
Move : 12" / 24"
Hit points : 300
No. of attacks : 3/2
Damage/attaque : 1-10
Special attacks : See below
Special defenses : +3 or better weapon to hit; also see below
Magic resistance : 90%
Size : M
Alignment : Neutre Bon
Worshiper alignment : Neutral good and beings dealing with magic
Symbol : Ankh and star
Plane : Elysium
Cleric/Druid : See below
Fighter : 10th level fighter
Magic-user/illusionist : See below
Thief/Assassin : Nil
Monk/Bard : Nil
Psionic ability : I
S : 10 I : 25 W : 25 D : 20 C : 19 Ch : 25

Isis usually appears as a beautiful well-proportioned female. She con use any spell as a 20th level spell-caster an unlimited number of times. She wears a magical headdress that puts her in contact with any Egyptian god any rime she wills. She understands the fashioning of magical charms as no other being, and is able to form these so that each resists the effects of one spell only. She gives these to beings she particularly favors of the goad or neutral alignments. The giving of these charms often does not depend on actions, just her whims. They are usually given (5% chance) upon the creation of a new spell or magic item not known before.